A complete list of our volunteer work. The newest projects are at the top of the list.
Tribute WOD for Women’s Education in Afghanistan
Join us August 13, 2022 for a FREE COMMUNITY WORKOUT to raise funds for TESL, an organization providing women an education in Afghanistan.
Church of the Ascension- Munich Soup Kitchen
The Soup Kitchen is run by the Missionaries of Charity, the organization founded by Mother Teresa of Calcutta.
Volunteers help with food preparation. In addition, volunteers may assist with folding laundry.
Friends of the Care Project
"Friends of the Care Project" is an independent non-profit organization whose sole aim is to improve the care and facilities of the individuals living at The Care Project. The Care Project works to care for disabled children on the island of Antigua.
Heart of St. Kitts Foundation
he foundation works to build awareness around sustainability priorities in St. Kitts and provide funding for local projects that make St. Kitts a better and more sustainable place to live in and experience.
Southern Grenadines Animal Kindness
SGAK is a non-profit organization, born out of the dream of a few people in the Grenadines who have observed the effects of neglect, starvation, abuse and disease on the animals in the islands.
The primary goal is to reduce birth rates and disease. They also hope to better educate younger people about care and abuse, while making an improvement to animal welfare on Union Island and Mayreau.
Carriacou Animal Hospital
Founded in 2012, the Carriacou Animal Hospital is an independent non-profit, organization that provides preventative and basic health care to small animals. Their program offers spays and neuters for dogs and cats at a nominal fee, which helps prevent dogs and cats from straying, having unwanted puppies or kittens and getting into vehicle accidents.
They also provide routine veterinary care, health examinations, medical treatment and general surgery. Ticks and fleas as well as ehrlichia and heart worm are major problems on Carriacou which is why they take special care in the prevention and treatment of these diseases and provide education to the owners.
CAH does not receive public funding and depends on volunteer veterinarians. CAH is stocked through the generous donations of medicines and medical supplies that are generated from the efforts of the visiting veterinarians as well as donations from friends who have visited CAH on holiday.
Alliance for Change
The Alliance for Change was formed by three people from differing political parties to generate a more multi-partisan group. They hoped that this group would lead to more productivity in Guyana's national political system.
Rugby é Nossa Paixão
RENP teaches Rugby to children from the favelas of Rio de Janeiro to instill values in the kids and close the social gaps in Rio.
L.I.F.E. works with youth living in socially marginalized and extremely impoverished areas of Argentina. They carry out a number of programs and activities with the goal of providing for the healthy development, happiness, and a hopeful future for the children they work closely with.
The official statistics show that 60 percent of the children in Argentina live under the poverty line. They work regularly with youth living in poverty providing recreational, educational and social activities as well as food, clothing and supplies.
LAST (Latin American Sea Turtles) is part of WIDECAST’s (Wider Caribbean Sea Turtle Conservation Network) Latin American Program in Costa Rica, including efforts not only on the Caribbean Se but also on the Pacific coast. WIDECAST is an expert network of biologists, managers, community leaders and educators in more than 40 nations and territories, committed to an integrated, regional capacity that ensures the recovery and sustainable management of depleted sea turtle populations.
The main work of the volunteers is assisting the staff of the project with the data collection, protection of eggs and nesting turtles and rescue and rehabilitation center duties. It involves night patrols and hatchery shifts as well as daytime work like beach cleanup, or small projects, including initial construction of the hatcheries.
Cafe de las Sonrisas
The Café de las Sonrisas was the first café in America and the fourth in the world directed entirely to people with hearing disabilities. The cafe provides solutions to the difficult job search for people with hearing disabilities in Nicaragua. It is a project that demonstrates that hearing problems are not at odds with professional and quality service .
The Café is located in the Tio Antonio Social Center , and has a team of 6 workers.
FUSALMO offers an alternative to the problems of children and youth, mainly of lower economic status and in conditions of risk, through the promotion of sports, arts, technology, entrepreneurship, etc. The organization complements these aspects with a training in culture of peace, values, human rights, and respect for the environment.
Our volunteer opportunity will be teaching these youth about animal cruelty prevention.
Hearts 2 Honduras
Hearts 2 Honduras was founded by Rhonda and Shelton Wicks, a mother and son duo, to provide better futures for the children of Copprome Orphanage. Not only do they provide food and pay for the educational expenses of these children, but they also helped the village of Mount De Olivos by building homes for the locals.
They now are committed to fund education programs for over 100 children located in the El Progreso area.
In addition, they began an educational program for people with Down Syndrome called "Love and Learn 21." ☮️
Belize Wildlife & Referral Clinic
BWRC provides care and rehabilitation for injured, orphaned, or otherwise imperiled wildlife; a voice for humane treatment of animals; and environmental education for future generations.
Huellas de Pan
Huellas de Pan is a non-profit Civil Association that works to provide nutritious food to vulnerable people in the urban area of ancun, generating opportunities that contribute to people supporting themselves.
The volunteer duties consist of traveling around Cancun to the local resorts and collecting food the resorts would otherwise throw away. Volunteers then serve the food to children and the elderly.